Water Sound Images and Quantum physics
Quantum physics is a hot topic nowadays. Especially due to films such as “What the Bleep do we (K)now…?’ has quantum physics become known among the greater public. Luckily so, because this branch of science sheds light on the fact that consciousness plays a big role in explaining ‘coincidence’. How many viewers have actually understood anything of what the film wants to make clear to us though? How many people understand anything at all about quantum physics in the first place, and can it actually be understood? Or is it like Fred Alan Wolf states in the film: ‘’Anyone interested in quantum physics who hasn’t gone completely mad, didn’t get…’ Anyone who deepens their interest in the subject matter will subsequently get the feeling of getting lost further and deeper in this ‘’rabbit hole of quantum mechanics, without cherishing the hope to ever find/see the way out again. Indeed, to go completely mad about…

What the Bleep do we (K)now...?
Anyway, back to the point. We’re talking about quantum mechanics and what it actually is about. So, lets see if we can understand, in plain language, what quantum mechanics is.
Imagine that you have a microscope with which you could magnify an object into infinity. Then imagine that, through the microscope, you would observe a little piece of stone. At first, you would be able to identify the piece of stone as stone, but the more you zoom in the more science fiction-like the image becomes. The surface of the piece of stone will quickly seem as a capricious crystal rocky landscape from an extraterrestrial planet. Each time you zoom in you look deeper and deeper into the world of the piece of stone until you eventually reach the building blocks of all matter; the atom. You could see the atom as the very smallest piece of matter. The center of the atom contains the atomic nucleus. Around the atomic nucleus –depending on the atomic number of the atom in question- revolve a number of electrons. These electrons turn around the nucleus at extremely high speeds. The electrons turn so fast that a single electron may give the impression that there is a cloud of electrons revolving around the nucleus. When we then, zoom in even further into the atomic nucleus, we see that this nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. This way we zoom in further and further until we reach the point where we don’t see ‘anything’ at all anymore. What we observe then are exclusively particles with wave behavior and waves with particle behavior. These waves/particles can furthermore exist simultaneously in two or more places in the universe.
To keep a long story short and clear, and not get completely lost in the rabbit hole, it could be stated that everything around us has got its own unique vibration (frequency). Everything in this immeasurable universe consists of vibrations. In this way the flower in the vase is constructed of atoms with each their own vibration. And all those atoms are arranged in such a way that, together, they form an interference pattern. Interference is a common collaboration of multiple vibrations: frequencies of waves at the same time and place. For example: stones are dropped into a bucket of water at one-second intervals. The stones create ripples, which are reflected back to the middle of the bucket when they hit the edge. Therefore, the ripples will enforce each other in some places whereas in others they will lift one another. The result is an interference pattern of ripples. In the same way the flower in the vase consists of atoms of different frequencies with as final result a three-dimensional interference pattern that our eye observes as being a flower.
So, frequencies. Everything around us has a unique frequency: a unique vibration. The human body also works with frequencies and, self-evidently, so does the brain within the human body. Lets take brain waves as an example. Brain waves vary between 0.5 to 38 Hz and are divided into four groups:
0.5 to 4 Hz (deep sleep)
4 to 8 Hz (deep trance, day dreaming, light sleep)
8 to 14 Hz (relaxed state of mind, listening to music, meditation, etc.)
14 to 38 Hz active state of mind, i.e. conversing, working etc.)
Ofcourse it is nice to know that the brain uses different frequencies, according to its state of consciousness that it finds itself in, but why is this information useful? And how, for example, can we imagine 22 Hz with the range of Beta waves when one is actively involved with something? Is it somehow possible to make this 22 Hz visible? I can answer this question with a resounding ýes’. Indeed, it is possible to make frequencies (sound) visible to the eye.
In the beginning of the 19th century Ernst Florenz Friedrich Chladni (1756-1827) researched vibrations (frequencies). Using a violin bow Chladni caused a thin iron plate to vibrate. On this plate he spread out sand. By causing the plate to vibrate with the violin bow a pattern emerged in the sand, a geometric pattern that still to this day is know as the so-called ‘Chladni patterns’.
Two hundred years later, during the 50’s and 60’s of the 20th Century, Swiss scientist Hans Jenny (1904-1972) worked on the same material/subject as Chladni, except he called it ‘cymatics’, which is derived from the Greek word ‘kyma’ (wave) and ‘Ta Kymatica’ (matters relating to waves). Jenny experimented with different materials, varying from water, oil, terpentine, fluid plastics, etc, etc. He exposed all these materials to different frequencies. Just as Chladni he did this by spreading powder onto a metal sheet or other thin surface, which he subsequently would cause to vibrate at a pre-determined rate using a frequency generator. This way he discovered that each frequency produced a different image and that these experiments were repeated time and time again with the same results, hence science.
At the end of 2004 I was handed the book “Wasserklangbilder’ by Alexander Lauterwasser, for the first time. A good friend of mine, where I was staying at the time, showed it to me. As I had been interested in everything that had to do with frequencies for many years, I looked through the book with great curiosity; this was interesting stuff, and I ordered the book the very next day. After reading the book and researching all that I could find on the internet about cymatics (Water Sound Images), I started to experiment myself. This was in the summer of 2005. Now, a year and-a-half later, my portfolio consists of thousands of pictures of ‘moving water’: The hidden geometry of sound captured in water. It took me quite a bit of effort until I finally managed to reach the results that I wanted, namely beautiful pictures that project the hidden geometry of sound. Remember the brain frequency of 22 Hz that I mentioned earlier? The following image/photo is a watersound image of 22 Hz.

22 Hz
Everything around us consists of frequencies, or better said: an interference pattern of different frequencies. So does every disease. When you’re sick it more or less means that somewhere in the interference pattern (our body) a disharmony has occurred: there is a frequency present that doesn’t resonate well with the rest of the body. The result is an imbalance in your ‘frequency constituency’.
Imagine your body as (being) a piano. When all strings (frequencies) in the piano (the body) are tuned properly, a practiced pianist can produce lovely and harmonious music. Now let him play on a piano of which the strings have been tuned too loose or too tight and the result will be lots of noise and very little harmony: The piano is ‘sick’ and needs to be tuned correctly. The same happens with the human body when one or more ‘strings’ (frequencies) are out of tune from time to time. It is very handy if there is a ‘piano tuner for the human body’.
Royal Rife (1888 – 1971) was such a ‘piano tuner’. In 1920 Rife built his first virus microscope. Around 1933 Rife had perfected the technology of his ‘Universal Microscope’, which consisted of 6000 parts. He developed the microscope to the extent that he became the first human being in the Western world who had the ability to observe and magnify living viruses by 60.000 times. This is contrary to the electron microscope, which kills everything that is observed through it. Rife, for example, could see exactly how a virus developed into a tumor and he could research numerous viruses and draw up their corresponding frequencies. He invented a radionica technology with which in that time he could, already, cure fifteen types of cancer and about four hundred viral, bacterial, or fungal-caused ailments. Rife was able to cure diseases purely by releasing one or more counter-frequencies onto the viruses. The common aspirin works in exactly the same way. Aspirin contains a counter-frequency to pain. The frequency of an aspirin subdues the frequency of pain to the extent that the pain is no longer recognized. It is much better, though, to find the cause of the pain and treat the problem rather than just the symptom. Rife was declared mad by many conventional medicine practitioners, and much was done to make his life difficult. Even doctors that cooperated with him were threatened. Question: Why? Answer: A cured patient means one less client for the billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry.
Disease is business. Besides Chladni and Jenny the Japanese Masaru Emoto (1943) also greatly contributed to make frequencies visible, though he used entirely different methods from his predecessors. Emoto does the following: He takes two bottles with identical water. On one bottle he labels with, for example, the word ‘hate’ and the other he labels with the word ‘love’. By simply labeling the bottles with a word, along with its corresponding intention, this influences the quality and crystalline structure of the water. Then he freezes the water for a certain amount of time after which the water is defrosted again. During the de-frosting period, there are a few seconds in which photos can be taken from the water crystals. The result is stunning. The water with the word ‘love’ reflects a beautiful geometrical crystal, whereas the water that has been exposed to the word ‘hate’ depicts a crystal that is not pleasant to the eye. Several pictures are taken from each specimen. Water has memory and has the quality to store information (frequencies).
In 1988 French immunologist Jacques Beneviste discovered that water contained memory while he was trying to prove that homeopathy didn’t work. The contrary turned out to be true. Water contains memory. And as the human body consists primarily of water it is important to reflect on the thoughts that you have on a daily basis. Negative thoughts have a negative and destructive effect to the water structure of the body. Positive thoughts have a positive and healing response to the body. This is why it is so important to maintain a positive attitude.
Currently, I am translating my Dutch book about Water Sound Images into English. The book will be published at in 2011 and it carries the intention to offer a better understanding of the world around us. Through wonderful color images; a world opens up that exclusively consists of frequencies: an infinite array of interference patterns that the human body, with its limited five senses, translates as ‘solid’ matter. A material world that actually doesn’t really exist as ‘real’, but instead is observed as interference patterns of frequencies. A world in which, you, the observer, influences all that which you observe. A world that consists of particles with wave-behavior and waves with particle-behavior and, on top of that, can exist in two or more places at the same time. And a world that, like everything else around us, exists of nothing less than holograms; therefore light. Welcome to the world of quantum physics…
Robert Boerman 2011
Author – Researcher – Photographer - Inventor