Water Sound Images of Famous People

In 2012, I developed a technique to convert a persons birthname and birthday into frequencies which produce an unique Water Sound Image. After I produced some of these images for clients, one was curious how a Water Sound Image would like be - for example - of Nicola Tesla's birthname and -day? Or Mahatma Gandhi?

After thinking about this idea, I convert some names of famous people, set up my equipment and start taking photo's. Here is the result. Move the mouse over the picture to see who is behind the Water Sound Image...

Your own unique Water Sound Horoscope
You want a Water Sound Images made of your full birth name and -date? Please contact me. The costs for a unique Water Sound Horoscope are € 135, --, including a color photo (size A3 - 420 x 297 mm) and shipping. You want a larger photo? No problem, let me know.

Robert Boerman

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