Hutchison-Lazaryan frequency generator clears polluted Gulf waters
Famous anti-gravity researcher, John Hutchison, and his associate, Nancy Lazaryan, have come up with a device that emits a combination of audio and radio frequencies that have the effect of clearing waters polluted by oil and dispersant in less than 24 hours, bringing the native life back.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2010
Concerned about the BP oil gusher disaster, John Hutchison and his research partner, Nancy Lazaryan have come up with a combination of audio and radio frequencies that now have been shown scientifically to reduce the oil and grease in polluted waters in the Gulf of Mexico from 7 ppm to less than 1 ppm, restoring the water's vitality as manifest by the return of fish, dolphins and even barnacles to a region of Perdido Bay in Lillian, Alabama, USA, where they conducted their first test in situ.
John is world famous for his work in eccentric, maverick research creating anti-gravity effects, transmutation of elements, and energy from rock-like compounds. Now, with Nancy's help, he has applied his knowledge of frequencies to produce what could be a solution to the pollution from oil and dispersants in the Gulf and elsewhere in the world.
"The local residents may now finally have hope for getting their Gulf back and restoring it to the healthy body it once was, if not better, before the Oil Disaster," said Cara Fay, who is a friend of John and Nancy, and has been following their work on this project, which began in July, when a sample of polluted water was sent to John's lab in Vancouver, BC. Based on success in finding the right frequencies, John and Nancy recently headed to the Gulf to try a test on location, with scientific documentation by a chemistry lab to corroborate their observations.
Test Results
The exact reach and potency of the frequencies is yet to be determined, but the device John assembled for this research pulls two kilowatts and, judging subjectively, appears to effect a region of at least more than 1000 yards radially (like a sphere), as verified by sympathetic resonance in the water (detected by oscilloscope) from the projection of audio and radio frequencies over the water. Nancy speculates that the effected area could be as much as several miles. All of the equipment ran off of one extension cord (110 V, 20 amp).
The area was treated with the frequencies for four hours the first day, and by the next morning, the waters were cleared. They then did four more hours of RF frequency that day, to complete the test. The frequency device was situated about 25 feet up the beach from the water.
Nancy, who is from Minnesota, who has experience as a professional broadcast TV camera person, filmed the restoration of sea life, with clearing of the water, new green algae, dolphins, and fish, the day following their test. She said:
"The fish were jumping, ...the water that had been murky brown was a clear green. Two dolphins came into 5 feet of water to visit. Lots of schools of fish and crabs [were] very active in the 'healed waters'. These tones were used by the ancients to HEAL humans."
She doesn't have her computer equipment with her to retrieve the HD footage from her camera, but will be making it available later. John would like to use the footage to interest local media for coverage; to open doors for subsequent test locations.
The tests were conducted from a KOA campground at Perdido Bay. Here are some photos John sent me showing the campground and his lab/trailer, as well as some 'before" shots of the beach, bay, and foamy water.
Source and more information: Pesn.com