06-03-2024 - Watch whathappens when frequency meets dead blood
28-11-2021 - Researchers discovered how sound waves may cause any object to levitate
08-12-2020 - Video: Welcome to the real world......
08-12-2020 - Video: The world around us is nothing but frequency...
29-03-2020 - Video: Cymatic Tartaria
05-03-2020 - Pineal Gland Stimulation 20 Hz
16-07-2019 - Everything You Are is Frequency and Your DNA is the Ultimate Antenna
14-06-2019 - How DNA Is Reprogrammed By Words and Frequencies
10-06-2019 - The Hippies Were Right: It's All about Vibrations, Man
10-06-2019 - Video: Cymatic Meditation
02-06-2019 - Video: The Art of Water
03-05-2018 - Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves
13-12-2017 NieuwsHow do the Musical Pillars Work? Rock Melting Technology? Cymatics?
19-02-2017 Nieuws
My foray into the mysterious world of sound healing
02-11-2016 - The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave
29-05-2016 - Cymatic book published soon!
27-04-2016 - Scientist Demonstrates How Cancer Can Be Destroyed By Frequencies
02-04-2016 - Star-Shaped Droplet Levitated By Sound
14-03-2016 - 25,000 Year Old Buildings Found In Russia
06-02-2016 - How to "melt" stones sound (the announcement video).
03-01-2016 - News: Scientists figured out how to make water droplets levitate and change shape with sound
25-11-2015 News: Zwevende Stenen
04-08-2014 Article: - Is Sound Creating...?
21-06-2014 News: Silencing the sea | The link between sound, life and the mass murder of whales and dolphins
20-06-2014 News: Cymatic Elephant Sound
10-05-2014 News: Levitation Technology
07-05-2014 Website: - New website: www.cymaticsounds.com
18-04-2014 Video: - Didgeridoo As Water Sound Image (2)
18-04-2014 Photo: - Shri Yantra - Water Sound Image
17-04-2014 Video: - Didgeridoo As Water Sound Image (1)
31-03-2014 Photo: - Metatron - Water Sound Image
31-03-2014 Photo: - Flower of Life - Water Sound Image
26-01-2014 News: - Save 432Hz pitch frequency
03-01-2014 News: - Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation [Acoustic Levitation]